Multilingual Services

Lindop School District 92 values the linguistic and cultural diversity that our students bring to our schools. The Multilingual Learner (ML) program is comprehensive program that is designed to support students in order to be successful in school and beyond.  

Identification of Multilingual Learners

The Home Language Survey is administered for each student entering the district’s schools for the first time and signed by the parent/ guardian. If the response to one or both questions on the HLS is “yes”, the student’s English proficiency is assessed to determine eligibility for ML services. This will be done within 30 days after the student’s enrollment in the district. If a student’s WIDA Screener composite proficiency level is less than the determined criteria, the student is eligible for ML services. If the determined minimum score is achieved, the student is not eligible for ML services.

Assessment of English Learners

All students identified as Limited English Proficiency will take the annual ACCESS test. ACCESS results will determine continuation in the program or transition from the program in the subsequent school year. Some students are eligible for ACCESS accommodations. All students in grades 3-8 will take the annual Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR). IAR results will provide a summative evaluation of the student’s progress in meeting the Illinois Learning Standards. All students in grades kindergarten through fifth grade will be administered the MAP assessment during the school year. Data will be used for instructional decisions.

Parent notification

Notice of enrollment

Parents will be notified of eligibility for ML services no later than 30 days after the beginning of the school year. The notice will be provided in English and in the home language of the student, when possible. 

Withdrawal by a parent

Any parent or legal guardian whose child has been enrolled in the ML Program has the right to withdraw the child from the program immediately by submitting a written notice to the school

Early exit for EL students

Students who score a 4.8 composite on the ACCESS test will be dismissed from ML services. Parents may choose for their child to continue to receive ML services if they are eligible for dismissal within three years of enrollment to the EL program. 

Transition from ML Program

Transition from the ML program will be determined by the prior year's ACCESS scores. Students must earn a 4.8 Composite score on the ACCESS in order to be dismissed from ML services.  

For two years after exiting form the district's ML program, student progress will be monitored. Monitoring will include: 

  • Information about the language proficiency level of the student in each of the four domains provided
  • Tri-annual checks (with trimester report cards)
  • Meeting with students, teachers, and parents as needed

Parent Advisory Council

The district shall establish a parent advisory committee consisting of parents, legal guardians, EL teachers, counselors, and community leaders. This committee shall participate in the planning, operation, and evaluation of programs. The majority of the committee members shall be parents or legal guardians of students enrolled in the program. 

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