Welcome Back Letter 2023-2024

August 8, 2023

Dear Lindop Family,

Welcome to the 2023-2024 school year!  It is absolutely that time again.  The smell of new gym shoes is in the air and our children are enjoying their final moments of summer vacation.  Last year was filled with tough decisions and growing pains.  In spite of the minor challenges we faced, we could not have overcome any obstacle without your partnership.  You have stood alongside us when the pressure was great.  These traits of partnership evidence that collectively, we can, and we will not allow one another to fail, no matter how uncomfortable we become.  We are the team that all of our children need and deserve to see consistently, and fiercely advocating together.

The Board of Education has directed the administration to increase student achievement by any means necessary.   They have stood on the sidelines as cheerleaders, while encouraging us to remain bold, brave, courageous, and laser focused while on this mission toward Blue Ribbon status.  The Lindop School District 92 Board of Education believes that our children can and will rise to the occasion.  

I urge all of our families to commit to join us on our mission to set the bar high and continue to provide rigorous engaging instruction.

Please note important upcoming events below as we look forward to the first day of school.

  • Thursday, August 17, 2023 (8:25a.m. - 2:00p.m.) - First day of School and Back to School Parade featuring the Jesse White Tumblers (front lot).  Parking will be unavailable.
  • Saturday, August 19, 2023 (12:00p.m. - 3:00p.m.) - Back to School Barbecue.  Come and join us for food and fun.
  • Wednesdays 2023-2024 - Early Dismissal for students at 2:00 p.m. every Wednesday.  We ask that you please mark this on your calendars.  Please refer to your district calendar that you received during registration for additional information.

Thank you for entrusting us with our most precious gifts - our children.  I look forward to making history with you as we continue to serve.

In service,

Dr. Janiece Jackson

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