PRESS Plus Instructions
For Districts Using a Policy Committee
Getting Started
To prepare for the next Policy Committee meeting:
- The PRESS Plus packet of district policies and the Update Memo should be copied for each member of the Policy Committee and all administrators.
- Copies of the PRESS Plus packet and the Update Memo should be distributed to committee members prior to the scheduled meeting time.
NOTE: Not all items listed in the Update Memo will be addressed in the PRESS Plus update. Only content changes suggested for district policies are included in the PRESS Plus packet.
Policy Committee Meeting
The Policy Committee reviews the suggested changes to the district policies to determine
- If there are options, which of the options do we prefer?
- What proposed changes to policy should be put on the regular board agenda for discussion and first reading by the full board?
- What proposed changes can be added to the consent agenda to be acted on by the board at the next regular meeting?
Regular Board Meeting
The full board acts on the recommendations of the Superintendent and Policy Committee.
Changes included on the consent agenda are approved. Changes included as a regular agenda item are discussed. The Superintendent or Board President is directed to put these items on the next regular meeting agenda for second reading and adoption.
- If the board adopts the proposed changes check the "Adopted as presented" box and include the date in the "Date of adoption" box on the Response Form (final page of the PRESS Plus packet.)
- If the board adopts the suggested change but edits the language, check the "Adopted with attached edits" box on the Response Form.
- If the board chooses not to adopt the change, check the "Update not adopted, Keep current version" box on the response form.
After Final Adoption
Mail or fax to the address or fax number on the form
- the completed Response Form,
- any edits to the proposed updates,
- any policy language your district has adopted or revised since the last PRESS Plus issue, and
- any new or revised collective bargaining agreements.
- make the changes as indicated to your district policy manual, maintaining any custom language that it may contain,
- make necessary changes to legal cites, cross references, tables of contents, and indexes,
- add the new adoption date, and
- if your district is a School Board Policy Online subscriber, forward the updates for web publishing.
You Will Receive
- one paper copy of each updated policy and
- the entire updated manual in Microsoft Word for Windows on a CD.
Your Next Steps
- Carefully check the policies to assure that the board's intentions are reflected in the edited policies. While we make every attempt to assure accuracy, errors may occur.
- Using the paper copies, update and paper manuals that the district maintains.
- Make additional electronic copies for board members and administrators who prefer to access the policy manual in a paperless format.
- Access PRESS Online to view and download administrative procedures and exhibits designed to implement changes to board policy.