Focus on Literacy

Focus on Literacy - Kindergarten

Phonemic Awareness

  • Understands that words are composed of speech sounds.
  • Distinguishes beginning consonant sounds.
  • Distinguishes final consonant sounds.
  • Combines sounds into words.
  • Identifies rhyming words.
  • Produces rhyming words.

Knowledge of Books

  • Knows the parts of a book and their function: title page, author, illustrator, dedication.
  • Tracks left to right, top to bottom.
  • Tracks words one-to-one in a book.

Knowledge of Alphabet

  • Recites the letters of the alphabet in sequence.
  • Names upper and lower case letters of alphabet.

Beginning Phonics Knowledge and Word Knowledge

  • Understands alphabet principle: A sequence of letter in a written word represents the sequence of sounds (phonemes) in a spoken word.
  • Corresponds sounds to letters of the alphabet.
  • Recognizes some words by sight.

Reading Comprehension

  • Uses own experiences and picture clues to help predict meaning.
  • Approximates reading by looking at pictures in text and talking about content.
  • Comprehends stories read aloud.
  • Retells a story in sequence; re-enacts or dramatizes parts of stories.

Writing and Spelling

  • Dictates words and stories.
  • Draws a picture that tells a story.
  • Labels picture with semi-phonetic level spelling (some sound/some letter correspondence).
  • Copies upper case and lower case letters of the alphabet.
  • Writes correctly his/her name.
  • Uses conventional spelling with small repertoire of words.

Listening and Speaking

  • Listens attentively and actively to teacher and other students.
  • Follows two-step directions.
  • Expresses ideas, thinks creatively, and organizes information in ways appropriate to kindergarten.
  • Speaks in complete sentences.

Focus on Literacy - Grade 1

Phonics and Word Knowledge

  • Blends or segments phonemes in one-syllable words.
  • Demonstrates phonemic awareness by counting syllables, hearing rhyme, alliteration, onset and rime of sounds in words.
  • Uses letter-sound correspondence to sound out unknown words.
  • Recognizes 100-300 age-appropriate sight words.
  • Uses a variety of decoding strategies (phonics, word patterns, context clues) to recognize new words in age-appropriate text.

Reading Comprehension and Fluency

  • Reads aloud with fluency, accuracy, rhythm, and volume that sounds like everyday speech.
  • Uses background knowledge to predict and justify what will happen next in stories.
  • Retells a story with a beginning, middle, and end.
  • Distinguishes between poetry and prose.
  • Describes and compares characters, settings, and events in stories and pictures.
  • Re-enacts and retells stories, songs, poems, and plays.
  • Selects books at an appropriate reading level.
  • Reads independently in a sustained way for a period of time.

Writing and Spelling

  • Uses age-appropriate pre-writing strategies to generate and organize ideas.
  • Writes simple (subject/verb/complement) sentences.
  • Creates own written texts for others to read (i.e. lists, notes, cards, picture labels).
  • Uses basic punctuation (end marks) and capitalization.
  • Produces a variety of types of compositions (e.g. stories, descriptions, charts, journal entries).
  • Applies new vocabulary to written composition.
  • Uses basic components of writing process (pre-writing, drafting, publishing) to develop narratives.
  • Uses phonetic spelling to attempt unknown words.
  • Spells correctly three and four letter short vowel words.
  • Spells high frequency, phonetically regular long vowel words correctly and some irregular sight words.

Listening and Speaking

  • Listens and comprehends appropriate content material.
  • Expresses ideas clearly, thinks creatively, and organizes information in ways appropriate to first grade.
  • Speaks in a clear audible voice.
  • Participates in class discussion by contributing ideas and asking questions.
  • Listens and responds politely and appropriately to other speakers.

Focus on Literacy - Grade 2

Phonics and Word Knowledge

  • Uses phonemic awareness knowledge to identify phonetically regular one and two syllable words.
  • Isolates, blends, substitutes, manipulates letter sounds
  • Accurately decodes phonetically regular multi-syllable words and nonsense words.
  • Uses a variety of decoding strategies (i.e. word patterns, structural analysis, common endings, vowel spellings) to recognize new words.
  • Recognizes 300-500 age-appropriate sight words.
  • Uses context and previous experience to determine meaning of unfamiliar words in text.

Reading Comprehension and Fluency

  • Reads and comprehends both fiction and nonfiction texts appropriate to second grade.
  • Locates answers to questions before, during, and after reading to clarify understanding.
  • Identifies the author's purpose and the main idea.
  • Recalls facts and details of texts during and after reading.
  • Discusses similarities in characters and events across stories.
  • Identifies story elements of plot, setting, characters, and events.
  • Connects and compares information across nonfiction selections.
  • Poses possible answers to how, why, and what if questions in nonfiction texts.
  • Identifies and begins to interpret information presented in diagrams, charts, graphs, and maps.
  • Takes part in creative response to text such as dramatizations, oral presentations, fantasy, play, etc.
  • Selects and reads trade books, longer chapter books with few illustrations, appropriate for second grade.
  • Reads age-appropriate material aloud with fluency and accuracy, intonation, and expression in a manner that aids comprehension.

Writing and Spelling

  • Writes using complete sentences.
  • Writes a three to five sentence paragraph using proper form (topic sentence, details, summary sentence).
  • Uses correct punctuation (end marks), grammar, and capitalization in writing.
  • Uses appropriate pre-writing strategies to generate and organize ideas.
  • Begins to evaluate and reflect on own writing and that of others.
  • Writes narrative stories with a beginning, middle, and end.
  • Elaborates and supports written content with facts, details, and description.
  • Uses the writing process to develop a narrative and descriptive piece.
  • Experiments with different forms of creative writing (e.g. song, poetry, short fiction).
  • Uses phonemic clues, and phonetic spelling to spell unfamiliar words.
  • Uses correct spelling of high frequency words previously studied in his/her own writing.

Listening and Speaking

  • Listens and comprehends appropriate content material.
  • Presents information on a single topic in a logical order.
  • Speaks in a clear audible voice.
  • Contributes relevant, appropriate information to discussions.
  • Generates questions gained from experiences (e.g. field trips, visitors, stories, discussion) to gather information.
  • Listens and responds politely and appropriately to speaker through movements, gestures, questions, and retelling.

Focus on Literacy - Grade 3

Word Analysis and Vocabulary

  • Uses word analysis (root words, inflections, affixes) to identify words.
  • Uses context clues, word patterns, and structural analysis to recognize new words in age-appropriate material.
  • Uses a variety of resources to clarify meanings of unfamiliar words (dictionary, glossary, thesaurus).
  • Develops increasing sight vocabulary.
  • Infers word meaning from taught roots, prefixes, and suffixes.

Reading Comprehension and Fluency

  • Reads age-appropriate material aloud with fluency and accuracy, expression, and intonation.
  • Makes predictions about text events before and during reading and confirms or modifies predictions after reading.
  • Summarizes major points from fiction and nonfiction texts.
  • Uses information from simple tables, maps, charts, to increase comprehension.
  • Checks and clarifies for understanding (e.g. reread, read ahead, use visual and context clues) during reading.
  • Asks how, why, and what if questions in interpreting nonfiction texts.
  • Distinguishes cause and effect, fact and opinion, main idea and supporting details in interpreting nonfiction texts.
  • Reads longer fictional selections and chapter books independently.

Writing and Spelling

  • Constructs complete sentences to express ideas, thoughts and feelings.
  • Develops well-organized paragraph(s) using proper form (e.g. topic sentence, supporting details, summary / conclusion sentence).
  • Uses standard written English, including appropriate capitalization, punctuation, and subject/verb agreement.
  • Writes for a variety of purposes, including narrative, expository, and persuasive structures.
  • With guidance, uses all stages of the writing process (e.g. prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing) to develop paragraph(s) with focus, organization, elaboration, and integration.
  • Presents and discusses own writing with other students.
  • Responds helpfully to other students' compositions.
  • Produces a variety of written work in a variety of formats, including multimedia forms.
  • Uses a range of vocabulary words to describe events, feelings, and objects.
  • Correctly spells previously studied words and spelling patterns in own writing.
  • Uses knowledge of letter-sound relationships to spell unfamiliar words.

Listening and Speaking

  • Listens actively and attentively in whole class and small group activities, demonstrated by body language, eye contact, and controlled responses.
  • Participates actively in class discussions by adding related personal experiences and relevant information.
  • Formulates relevant and focused questions.
  • Demonstrates respect for other participants and their ideas.
  • Speaks in a clear audible voice.
  • Uses appropriate grammar, word choice, and pacing.

Focus on Literacy - Grade 4

Word Analysis and Vocabulary

  • Uses a combination of word analysis and vocabulary strategies (e.g. phonics, word patterns, structural analysis, context) to identify words.
  • Uses multiple resources to understand meaning of new words (dictionary, thesaurus, and glossary).
  • Identifies and uses synonyms and antonyms.
  • Uses high frequency root words and affixes to understand word meaning.

Reading Comprehension and Fluency

  • Reads age-appropriate material aloud with fluency, accuracy, and expressions.
  • Determines literal meaning by using a variety of comprehension skills and strategies.
  • Interprets concepts and makes connections by inference and/or comparison.
  • Uses evidence in text to modify predictions and questions, generate and confirm or reject hypotheses.
  • Identifies and relates events in a text to personal experiences.
  • Reads a wide range of fiction and nonfiction (e.g. books, newspapers, magazines, textbooks, visual media).
  • Identifies and discusses story elements: themes, plots, subplots, characters, story setting.
  • Summarizes and applies information from nonfiction materials.
  • Reads independently for extended periods of time.

Writing and Spelling

  • Combines well-written sentences into a cohesive paragraph (e.g. topic sentence, details, summary/conclusion sentence) and a variety of sentence types.
  • Uses pre-writing strategies to choose a topic and generate ideas with limited teacher assistance.
  • Organizes paragraph(s) with a clear beginning, middle, and end, appropriate to purpose and audience.
  • Writes correct standard English conventions, including appropriate subject/verb agreement, and appropriate capitalization and punctuation.
  • Uses stages of writing process (pre-writing, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing) to produce well-developed expository, narrative, and persuasive pieces.
  • Writes creatively for specified purpose and audience (e.g. short stories, poetry, rap, play, parody).
  • Uses varied and descriptive vocabulary to enrich written language.
  • Correctly spells appropriate high-frequency words.
  • Applies previously learned spelling words in written work.

Listening and Speaking

  • Formulates relevant and focused questions and answers in a variety of settings.
  • Paraphrases and summarizes the content of both formal and informal presentations or messages.
  • Delivers oral presentation that is coherent, well-organized, and rehearsed.
  • Uses spoken language that is clear, audible, and appropriate.
  • Contributes meaningfully and politely to small and large group discussions with relevant responses, and respectful listening behaviors.

Focus on Literacy - Grade 5

Word Analysis and Vocabulary

  • Uses a combination of word analysis and vocabulary strategies (e.g. phonics, word patterns, structural analysis) to identify words..
  • Uses multiple resources to understand meaning of new words (dictionary, thesaurus, and glossary).
  • Uses word origins, and synonyms and antonyms to construct meanings of new words.
  • Uses high frequency root words and affixes to understand word meaning.
  • Determines meaning of word in context when word has multiple meanings.

Reading Comprehension and Fluency

  • Reads age-appropriate material aloud with fluency, accuracy, and expression.
  • Uses comprehension strategies to enhance literal and inferential understanding of text.
  • Establishes purposes for reading before and during reading.
  • Makes judgments based on prior knowledge during reading.
  • Identifies and relates events in a text to personal experiences.
  • Applies survey strategies to nonfiction materials.
  • Recognizes characteristics of setting and theme.
  • Recognizes characteristics of suspense, rising action, climax, and falling action in story plot.
  • Recognizes literary elements and techniques of various selections.
  • Makes inferences about character traits and checks text for verification.
  • Applies personal background and experience to literary text.
  • Reads independently for extended periods of time.

Writing and Spelling

  • Writes paragraphs that include a variety of sentence types. (i.e. declarative, interrogative, exclamatory, imperative).
  • Develops multi-paragraph compositions that include introduction, first and second level support, and conclusion.
  • Uses transition words to connect ideas.
  • Elaborates ideas through facts, details, description, reasons, and narration.
  • Writes correct standard English conventions, including appropriate grammar, spelling, capitalization and punctuation.
  • Uses stages of writing process (pre-writing, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing) to produce well-developed expository, narrative, and persuasive pieces.
  • Writes creatively for specified purpose and audience (e.g. short story, poetry, rap, play, parody, song, letter).
  • Uses varied and descriptive vocabulary to enrich written language.

Listening and Speaking

  • Formulates relevant and focused questions and answers in a variety of settings.
  • Delivers oral presentation that is coherent, well-organized, and rehearsed.
  • Uses spoken language that is clear, audible, and appropriate.
  • Paraphrases and summarizes the content of both formal and informal presentations or messages.
  • Contributes meaningfully and politely to small and large group discussions with relevant responses, and respectful listening behaviors.

Focus on Literacy - Grade 6

Word Analysis and Vocabulary

  • Identifies and applies appropriate word analysis and vocabulary strategies and contextual clues to identify unfamiliar words.
  • Uses denotation and connotation strategies to determine meanings of words in context.

Reading Comprehension and Fluency

  • Reads age-appropriate material aloud with fluency, accuracy, and expression.
  • Uses appropriate questioning strategies before, during, and after reading to understand meaning of text.
  • Applies appropriate reading strategies to fiction and nonfiction texts within and across content areas.
  • Asks and responds to open-ended questions regarding meaning of text.
  • Compares themes, topics, and story elements of various selections.
  • Interprets imagery and figurative language.
  • Confirms, rejects, and modifies questions, predictions, and hypotheses based on evidence in text.
  • Makes inferences and draws conclusions about contexts, events, characters, and settings.
  • Reads independently for extended periods of time and for pleasure.

Writing and Spelling

  • Uses pre-writing strategies (e.g. webbing, brainstorming, listing, note taking, outlining, graphic organizers).
  • Writes paragraphs that include a variety of sentence types (i.e. declarative, interrogative, exclamatory, imperative).
  • Develops multi-paragraph compositions that include introduction, first and second level support, and conclusion.
  • Uses transitional words and phrases to connect and unify key ideas.
  • Elaborates ideas through facts, details, description, reasons, and narration.
  • Establishes and maintains focus within and between paragraphs.
  • Writes correct standard English conventions, including appropriate grammar, spelling, capitalization and punctuation.
  • Uses stages of writing process (pre-writing, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing) to produce well-developed expository, narrative, and persuasive pieces.
  • Writes creatively for specified purpose and audience (e.g. short story, poetry, rap, play, parody, song, letter).
  • Uses varied and descriptive vocabulary to enrich written language.

Listening and Speaking

  • Formulates relevant and focused questions and answers in a variety of settings.
  • Delivers oral presentation that is coherent, well-organized, and rehearsed.
  • Uses spoken language that is clear, audible, and appropriate.
  • Paraphrases and summarizes the content of both formal and informal presentations.
  • Contributes meaningfully and politely to small and large group discussions with relevant responses, and respectful listening behaviors.

Focus on Literacy - Grade 7

Word Analysis and Vocabulary

  • Expands listening and reading vocabulary.
  • Applies a variety of word meaning strategies before, during, and after reading.
  • Assesses author's word choice and identifies effect of literary device.
  • Applies word identification strategies (i.e. structural analysis, denotation, connotation, multiple meanings in context, word origin) to enhance reading independence.

Reading Comprehension and Fluency

  • Uses skimming to preview reading materials and scanning to see visual patterns and identify text structure before reading.
  • Demonstrates understanding of text structure through use of graphic organizers and outlining.
  • Summarizes, infers, and draws conclusions about text, using prior knowledge.
  • Applies self-monitoring techniques and adjusts rate to increase comprehension.
  • Identifies story elements, major and secondary themes and topics in text.
  • Applies appropriate reading strategies (e.g. asks questions, takes notes, summarizes) to fiction and nonfiction texts within and across content areas.
  • Reads a variety of materials for different viewpoints.
  • Identifies and understands character, setting, plot, conflict, and major and secondary themes.
  • Recognizes examples of traditional literature and nonfiction materials.
  • Recognizes various types of poetry (free verse, haiku, limerick, lyric, and narrative).
  • Identifies elements of poetry.
  • Responds to literature through art, drama, music, writing, puppetry, and oral reading.
  • Selects material of high quality for personal reading.

Writing and Spelling

  • Uses pre-writing strategies (e.g. webbing, brainstorming, listing, note taking, outlining, graphic organizers).
  • Develops compositions that include a variety of sentence structure and sentence types.
  • Produces writing with appropriate focus, support/elaboration, organization, mechanics/grammar, and integration.
  • Uses transitional words and phrases within and between paragraphs.
  • Edits for correct spelling, punctuation, and capitalization.
  • Edits and revises to maintain a consistent tone and focus throughout a piece of writing.
  • Demonstrates appropriate use of eight parts of speech.
  • Uses writing process (pre-writing, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing) to produce well-developed expository, narrative, and persuasive pieces.

Listening and Speaking

  • Listens critically and analytically.
  • Recalls content (main idea and details) of message.
  • Infers and draws conclusions, synthesizes, analyzes, and evaluates information in presentations or messages.
  • Delivers oral presentation that is coherent, well-organized, and rehearsed.
  • Uses spoken language that is clear, audible, and appropriate.
  • Employs an engaging introduction, appropriate organization, and effective conclusion.
  • Uses physical movements and nonverbal expressions to communicate message.
  • Formulates relevant and focused questions and answers in a variety of settings.
  • Contributes meaningfully and politely to small and large group discussions with relevant responses, and respectful listening behaviors.

Focus on Literacy - Grade 8

Word Analysis and Vocabulary

  • Expands listening and reading vocabulary.
  • Applies a variety of word meaning strategies before, during, and after reading.
  • Assesses author's word choice and identifies effect of literary device.
  • Applies word identification strategies (i.e. structural analysis, denotation, connotation, multiple meanings in context, word origin) to enhance reading independence.

Reading Comprehension and Fluency

  • Uses skimming to preview reading materials and scanning to see visual patterns and identify text structure before reading.
  • Demonstrates understanding of text structure through use of graphic organizers and outlining.
  • Summarizes, infers, and draws conclusions about text, using prior knowledge.
  • Applies self-monitoring techniques and adjusts rate to increase comprehension.
  • Identifies story elements, major and secondary themes and topics in text.
  • Applies appropriate reading strategies (e.g. asks questions, takes notes, summarizes) to fiction and nonfiction texts within and across content areas.
  • Reads a variety of materials for different viewpoints.
  • Identifies and understands character, setting, plot, conflict, and major and secondary themes.
  • Recognizes examples of traditional literature and nonfiction materials.
  • Recognizes various types of poetry (free verse, haiku, limerick, lyric, and narrative).
  • Identifies elements of poetry.
  • Responds to literature through art, drama, music, writing, puppetry, and oral reading.
  • Selects material of high quality for personal reading.

Writing and Spelling

  • Uses pre-writing strategies (e.g. webbing, brainstorming, listing, note taking, outlining, graphic organizers).
  • Develops compositions that include a variety of sentence structure and sentence types.
  • Produces writing with appropriate focus, support/elaboration, organization, mechanics/grammar, and integration.
  • Uses transitional words and phrases within and between paragraphs.
  • Edits for correct spelling, punctuation, and capitalization.
  • Edits and revises to maintain a consistent tone and focus throughout a piece of writing.
  • Demonstrates appropriate use of eight parts of speech.
  • Uses writing process (pre-writing, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing) independently to produce well-developed expository, narrative, and persuasive pieces.

Listening and Speaking

  • Listens critically and analytically.
  • Recalls content (main idea and details) of message.
  • Infers and draws conclusions, synthesizes, analyzes, and evaluates information in presentations or messages.
  • Delivers oral presentation that is coherent, well-organized, and rehearsed.
  • Uses spoken language that is clear, audible, and appropriate.
  • Employs an engaging introduction, appropriate organization, and effective conclusion.
  • Uses physical movements and nonverbal expressions to communicate message.
  • Formulates relevant and focused questions and answers in a variety of settings.
  • Contributes meaningfully and politely to small and large group discussions with relevant responses, and respectful listening behaviors.

Math RIT

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NJHS Bylaws

Click HERE National Junior Honor Society Bylaws


Lindop School utilizes PBIS as the core of its discipline philosophy. PBIS, or Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports, is a systems approach to preventing and responding to school and classroom discipline problems. PBIS develops school-wide systems that support staff to teach and promote positive behavior in all students. By reducing behavioral problems, PBIS creates and maintains safe learning environments where teachers can teach and students can learn.

Lindop PBIS Principles:

  • Be Respectful
  • Be Responsible
  • Be Accountable

Core Elements of PBIS:

  • School-wide discipline practices and procedures
  • Active leadership and ongoing participation of Principal
  • Cultivation of staff commitment for consistent implementation
  • Team-based planning and problem-solving
  • Use of building-based discipline and academic data to make decisions
  • An instructional approach to behavior and classroom management
  • Classroom management and behaviorally-based interventions
  • Functional assessment-based behavior support planning
  • Comprehensive plans for individual students with intensive needs
  • Active participation of families, students and teacher
  • Integration with mental health and other community supports

Goals of PBIS:

  1. Build the capacity of the Edmund F. Lindop School to (a) establish positive social cultures, (b) implement effective school-wide and classroom behavior support, (c) deliver function-based, comprehensive, intensive individual behavior support, and (d) integrate educational, behavioral and mental health services.
  2. Establish the organizational systems needed for maintenance of school-wide behavior support.
  3. Develop capacity of state, regional and local school staff to effectively train and support the school in PBIS implementation.
  4. Provide evaluation data to determine effectiveness of PBIS and specific structures and features needed for successful implementation and sustainability throughout the state.

Expected Outcomes:

  1. Increase consistent use of positive teaching and reinforcement strategies for behavior among teachers and other school staff.
  2. Reduce discipline referrals, suspensions, and expulsions while increasing academic performance.
  3. Increase data based decision making about behaviors and academic skills to be consistently taught and reinforced.
  4. Implement effective behavior and/or academic change plans for students with specific needs not being addressed by school-wide systems (5-15%) through problem-solving teams.
  5. Implement effective comprehensive supports/services/interventions for students with the most intensive needs (1-7%) through wraparound plans that address home, school, and community.
  6. Identify students in need of primary, secondary, and tertiary mental health services and facilitate access to a range of flexibly designed and effectively provided mental health services.
  7. Increase family and student voice and participation in implementing positive behavior, academic, and mental health systems and practices at primary, secondary, and tertiary levels.

Reading RIT

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